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My Interpretation of New Medicine: A Revolutionary Biological Paradigm

Skribentens bild: Anette StahelAnette Stahel

Uppdaterat: 6 juli 2023

by Anette Stahel, MSc

"Remember that we are our own symptom producers and that with good reasons, and that we are capable of mobilizing immeasurable forces for better and for worse, that we have the ability to cure ourselves, that no "cork head" is to come and banish us from life with one single word, "cancer", which we till now have used as a death sentence. This can be enough to get struck with fear and panic, that which this word is built upon and which does not consist of anything else than erroneous and false information."

Christian Helmrich, MD; Cancer, the Riddle That Is No More The German oncology MD Ryke Geerd Hamer had worked as a doctor of internal medicine for 15 years, five as a professor and a few in an own private practice, he'd also devoted some time to invention of specialized medical tools, when, in 1978, his 19-year-old son Dirk was shot, unexpectedly, by a madman. Naturally, the event shocked Hamer deeply. And as if this tragedy wasn't enough, around a year later, he received another unexpected message - he'd gotten testicular cancer, despite having been healthy all his life. His wife later developed cancer too. Needless to say, Hamer was devastated because of all this loss, but, as we all do in a state of shock, he also started to think. Why did everything seem to come at once?

Now being a cancer doctor, Hamer had access to numerous medical resources and patient journals. While fighting his own cancer, he started reading his patients' journals and test results with new eyes. What he slowly found was something revolutionary, namely that both his own and all his patients' brain tomographies clearly showed a "hearth"; a round field, exactly at the place in the brain where the nerves extended down to the organ in the body which was cancerated! What was more, when Hamer talked to his patients, he found that all of them, without exception, had experienced a sudden, deep shock some time before they developed their cancer. It turned out, that the tomography fields had always been interpreted as either artifacts created by the equipment, or "cancer metastases" in the brain. No one had dared suggesting, that perhaps the brain hearths actually were the causes of the cancers, and that perhaps, in turn, the shocks all cancer patients had experienced actually were the causes of the brain hearths. But Hamer did, and a clear picture started to take form: Emotional shocks were the causes of the brain hearths (because all other alternatives were after careful research ruled out), and the brain hearths, in turn, the causes of the cancers.

And all sorts of different substances said to be causes of cancer, turned out not to cause cancer, but indeed, to complicate it, often severely, and paradoxically, medical chemicals and equipments used for CANCER TREATMENT proved to top the list! Likewise, Hamer found that the absolutely most common shocks preceding discovery of so-called cancer metastases, were, in fact, those induced by the verdicts of various cancer diagnoses. Metastases, it turned out, were nothing else than results of new shocks, and not, as generally thought, the result of artery travelling tumor cells - which also explained why no one had ever seen any such swim around there in the first place. Actually, it also explained why animals practically never get "metastases"; you see, animals don't understand diagnoses.

Of course, being a cancer doctor himself, Hamer was stunned by all this, but he couldn't deny what clearly became evident to him, and he was forced to accept that the words "phychosomatic" and "iatrogenic" comprised so much more than was previously thought.

Later, Hamer discovered that not only cancers, but also the cancer equivalents ulcers and hypofunctions were elicited through this same pathway. He also found that Nature handles the development and recuperation of all these conditions perfectly on its own (except in rare, extreme cases), and that all that's needed is to support the individual through the stages. Practical help, psychotherapy, biologically correct nutrition and fasting, those became the corner stones of the new treatment.

In addition, Hamer discovered why Nature responds with canceration when faced with a shock. The medical hypothesis about meaningless, malevolent and madly multiplying cells turned out to be nonsense - instead, a picture of cunning usage of a highly controlled form of cell division took form.

Hamer named his revolutionary new medicine just that, "New Medicine" (NM), because the revelation was new, even though, of course, this scheme of Nature had been there forever.

So could thus any sudden, deep shock at all start cancer? Yes, cancer or its equivalents. And not only could, it will. Here's the core of Hamer's discovery; every unexpected event that had upset his patients had caused cancer (or ulcer, or hypofunction) in them. All shocks, in all patients - not merely "most". This consistency was a refreshingly new observation within medical research; up till then, whenever different suspected cancer triggers had been examined, merely "some" or "most" of the individuals in the test groups had afterwards presented with the disease - which had lead to long lists of things established to be associated with cancer, but not really causing it, since the effect was never 100 %. The of Hamer discovered shocks, however, proved to elicit cancer or cancer equivalents 100 % of the time, so finally, the word "cause" could be used with full correctness.

Hamer named these cancer/ulcer/hypofunction triggering shocks DHS conflicts ("Dirk Hamer Syndrome" in honor of his son), and they are all, as said, unexpected experiences which upset us, although they may be of very varying intensity, some peter out in a minute, others can last for years. Now these conflicts do not belong to our intellectual ones, instead they are what Hamer called biological, because historical evolution has to be understood as the conflicts are analogous in humans and animals. We have to look past our intellectual conflicts or problems, DHSes are conflicts of a fundamentally different kind. Our bodily responses to them are, by Nature, implanted in the archaic, involuntary program of our brain. Our thoughts have no say here. In fact, the conflict has already associatively hit a fraction of a second before we even begin to think. It's automatic, and it's not negative, on the contrary, it helps us (or our "flock") to adapt. For example, the breast gland of a female immediately cancerates when her young gets injured, helping her milk production along and thus her young heal. The kidney collecting tubes cancerate right away when the organism risks drying out - in cases of "refugee" traumas, the urine becomes highly concentrated. In a territory-loss conflict, the inner layer of the vessels supplying the heart promptly ulcerate, allowing the heart to pump more blood to the muscles in preparation for a hard fight. And so on. This mechanism is hence both automatic and AIDING, and nothing we can or should fight in any way. On the contrary, we should, by natural means, help it and support it, so that its course runs smoothly.

All our biological conflicts can be categorized according to historical evolution. During evolution these events have been registered and their consequences programmed, and so different organs and brain areas now belong together and different conflicts have become related. Our organism doesn't expect or need these conflicts in any way, but Nature has intelligently provided it with this emergency program, ready to run in the event any such would occur. One after the other, simple yet complex and important truths regarding phylogeny and ontogeny revealed themselves during the course of the research.

Next, Hamer named the "hearths" formed in the brain as response to shocks HHs ("Hamerschen Herds", dedicated to his opponents who mockingly called these areas the "Hamersche Herde" - Hamer's comical seats). When the DHS hits the organism, immediate cell alteration occurs in the place in the brain which handles the content of the shock, and this content is always subjective. For instance, if a woman gets unexpectedly shaken by finding out that her partner has been unfaithful, the discovery about her marital misfortune is just the objective event. The clue to understand how this will affect her physically, is to know her personal experience, her subjective interpretation of the conflict. How does she experience this shock? There are several possibilities. If she experiences it as a threat to her "nest", the HH will occur in the lateral part of the cerebellum, and from there, modification signals are sent down to her breast. But she could as well experience it totally differently, such as a conflict of sexual frustration, and if so, the impact at the brain level will be the left peri-insular part of the brain, followed by modification of her cervix. There are yet other possibilities. In other words, the location of the HH in the brain may vary from person to person and from time to time, even if the event objectively seems to be the same. The soul-body's interpretation all depends on the organism's life experiences up til the event.

This brain alteration can be photographed with a computer-tomography (CT) and a fresh one looks like a dot with concentric rings around (like a target, or a picture of a water surface into which a pebble has been dropped), while one more progressed lacks rings, is larger and looks congested. As mentioned, radiologists have mistaken this phenomenon for a defect in the equipment or a "brain metastasis", the latter of which being very unfortunate because it has meant that lots of people have been forced through a dangerous brain operation totally unnecessarily. Certifications from CT manufacturers and careful studies of the brain cell formations finally established that the HHs fit neither interpretation, and that instead Hamer's explanation hit the nail on the head.

So, signals are directly sent out from the HH formed in the brain down to the organ tissue connected with the brain area in question. This makes that specific organ tissue start either cancerating, ulcerating or hypofunctioning. In order to know whether a certain tissue will cancerate, ulcerate or hypofunction as response, we need to know which group of tissues it belongs to. All bodily tissues are divided into three groups according to their development during ontogeny/phylogeny. The tissues which developed out of the one-and-a-half inner of the three embryological germ layers (endoderm and inner half of mesoderm), and which are connected to brain stem and cerebellum, always react with cell proliferation, canceration, during the conflict phase, and immediately cease cancerating when the conflict is solved. In contrast, the tissues which developed out of the one-and-a-half outer germ layers (ectoderm and outer half of mesoderm), and which are connected to cerebral medulla and cerebral cortex, react to a conflict with cell destruction, ulceration, which, likewise, stops when the conflict has been solved. Lastly, a minor part of the tissues stemming from the ectoderm, and which are connected to the cerebral cortex, react to a conflict with hypofunction, and as with the others, the relief of it follows that of the conflict. Schematic picture.

The body tissues responding with canceration are (with the conflicts eliciting the canceration in parenthesis): The underlying skin (the conflict is affection of integrity i e experience of attack, disfigurement, contamination etc), pericardium (attack against the heart, real or, more often, in the form of heart disease diagnosis), alveoli (feelings of intense danger, fear of dying), goblet cells (fear of suffocation), pleura (attack against the thoracic cavity, can be real, but mostly regards being diagnosed with some condition in this tract), mouth and pharynx submucosa (morsel conflict, right side: not being able to catch a morsel, left side: not being able to eliminate a morsel, in the real or symbolic sense), one third esophagus (not being able or not being allowed to swallow a morsel, and again, in real or symbolic sense), stomach's greater curvature, duodenum, pancreas gland (all three inability to digest a morsel), liver parenchyma (concerns fears of starving, in real or material sense), small intestine (inability to digest or absorb a morsel), colon (indigestion vexations), sigmoid colon, rectum submucosa (feces vexations, either real or symbolic; dirty, ugly, vile or abject actions), peritoneum (attack against the abdominal cavity, may be a real blow, but is often the consequence of being diagnosed with some abdominal condition), kidney collecting tubes (conflicts concerning abandonment, existence, hospitalization and refugee situations), bladder submucosa (conflict of something ugly or dirty, in real or symbolic sense), uterus, fallopian tubes (conflicts relating to procreation, implanation and gender), ovary or teste germinal tissue (severe conflict of an affective loss), prostate (gender conflict, sexual conflict experienced as dirty or devaluing or a conflict concerning descendants or assimilated), hypophysis (morsel conflict - right side: feeling too small to catch a morsel, left side: feeling too small to eliminate it - or feeling inable to nourish descendants or the family), thyroid gland (morsel conflict, right side: not being fast enough to catch it, left side: not being fast enough to eliminate it), breast glands (conflict of relational nature, affective but not sexual; the right breast concerns the partner and the left one the child, the mother and the "nest"), lacrimal glands (right: conflict of being inable to see something or of being ignored, left: being inable to eliminate something visual) and middle ear (right: not being able to catch a morsel, left: not being able to eliminate it, in real or symbolic sense but with an auditive coloring; the latter is e g heard, but ill-experienced refusals, orders or quarrels).

The body tissues responding with ulceration are: The superficial skin (the conflict is separation, experience of loss of contact), hair loss or alopecia (loss of physical contact, "missing to be stroked on the head", right side: partner related, left side: mother related), muscles, ligaments, tendons (all concern a self-devaluation conflict), bones (profound self-devaluation of various kinds, nuance towards reduced strength and power), marrow (self-devaluation with nuance towards reduced affection and security, but is automatically concerned by the bone ulceration), coronary arteries (conflict of having to fight for the territory), coronary veins (conflict of a sexual nature), arteries (feelings of self-devaluation), veins (feeling restrained, burdened), endocard (devaluation as to the efficiency of the heart), lymphatic vessels, nodes (devaluation, the nuance being one of insecurity), spleen (devaluation or insecurity linked to the notion of blood, weakening and/or fear following a wound, can also follow blood disease diagnoses), respiratory tracts except alveoli ("smelling" territorial threats, feeling scared or frightened), mouth superficial mucosa (feeling inable to take something into the mouth or to get rid of something in the mouth), teeth (feeling disallowed to bite, including for attack or defense, also symbolically), two thirds esophagus (conflict of not wanting to swallow a morsel), stomach's small curvature, pylorus, duodenal bulb (all three vexations of territory and identity), rectum (feminine identity conflict, feeling unable to find a place within the territory), bile ducts, pancreas ducts (both territorial rivalry; frontier quarrels and identity conflicts), kidney parenchyma (conflict related to a notion of liquid; drowning, inundation, alcoholism et c), renal pelvis, ureters (both conflict of territorial marking), bladder mucosa, urethra (both territorial marking conflict as well, the feminine variant has the nuance of inability to find a territorial place), uterine cervix mucosa (sexual conflict, "mating" conflict), vaginal mucosa (sexual separation conflict), uterine unstriped muscle (feeling inable to hold the fetus), ovary or teste interstitial tissue (loss conflicts), thyroid ducts (feeling powerless of acting before a danger), suprarenals (conflict of "taking the wrong road"), milk ducts (affective separation, and again, the right breast concerns the partner and the left one the child, the mother and the "nest"), eyelid gland ducts, conjunctiva, cornea, lens (all visual separation conflicts, real or symbolic, the two latter react to a more profound kind) and retina (conflict of "fear from behind"; a danger threatening us but we cannot see it).

And finally, the tissues responding with hypofunction are: The superficial skin, its sensitivity (the conflict is loss of touch, also in the large sense of the term, e g "losing one's face"), skeletal muscles (a specific lack of liberty; feeling hindered, imprisoned), one third pancreas - the cell block producing blood sugar regulating hormones, here hyperfunction is a variant (conflicts of disgust or repugnance associated with resistance (affection of the beta cells) or fear (affection of the alpha cells); often aggressions or horrible scenes), vitreous (feeling of being threatened by a predator), internal ear (not being able to stand a message) and olfactive filaments (a more specific inability to "smell" something or someone, in the large sense of the term).

Three remarks here: Firstly, ulcers are sometimes diagnosed as cancers by conventional medicine, e g some ulcers of skin, bone and reproductive organs. Secondly, left-handed individuals develop alterations on opposite sides to genuinely right-handed individuals. Third, hormonal changes affect laterality too, such as hormonal drugs or menopause, as well as entering a cortex-related conflict when being under one already.

As you can see here, our modern human bodies still react according to a very ancient biological scheme, the terms of which are generally more associated with the animal kingdom. However even though conflicts do run analogously in humans and animals, for us, this scheme has naturally gotten quite extended, since we symbolize.

Also, as you can see, many of the conflict causes are purely physical. Indigestible pieces entering our body, great lack of essential nutrients, physical injuries et c, all set off conflicts. Medical treatments of various kinds are frequently culprits here as well. Important to note regarding physical culprits is that the effect on the body is double, triple or even more, because in addition to the emotional shock with following canceration/ulceration/hypofunction they elicit, there is direct, physical damage inflicted on the body, sometimes very extensive.

We can see how closely intertwined physical and emotional causes really are. Inseparable, at a closer look. Both body and soul are immediately set into action when something happens to us, regardless of if that something is physical or emotional in nature. NM is holistic medicine in its essence; never before has it this concretely been shown how much more effective it is to approach the body-soul in its entirety instead of trying to separate them by studying and treating one but not the other.

This phase beginning with the DHS and ending with conflict solution was named CA phase ("Conflict Active" phase). It is characterized by a set of symptoms, the onset of which is at the exact time of the DHS shock. These symptoms are: insomnia and constant, compulsive thinking geered towards problem solving, loss of appetite in order to enable the body to focus on the problem instead of wasting time and energy eating, as well as pale, cold hands and feet, i e blood flow in the direction of body parts whose action is presumed necessary in order to best handle the situation, such as muscles of arms and legs. In other words, when we're shocked by something, Nature switches our body to an alert stress mode, "sympathicotonia" (where the sympathetic nervous system takes over), in order to quickly solve the arisen conflict. For same reason is actual pain quite rare in the CA phase, but coronary artery ulceration may hurt some, often called angina pectoris.

Now when our conflict consists of being attacked by a wild animal, or of scenting smoke from a fire, these stress responses are exactly what we need in order to get us out of the situation we're in. But due to a combination of enervating intake habits and traumatizing childhoods , we modern people overreact, which means that all sorts of events may shock us, that in reality are quite harmless. Unfortunately, this means that often, these stress responses aren't appropriate for solving the particular conflict we've gotten into. For instance, if we've become shocked by a quarrel with a relative, dwelling, insomnia and a bodily activation really isn't what we need in order to make friends with our relative again. These reactions may even be hindrances on our way to conflict solution. Instead, a more relaxed attitude, gained by exchanging thoughts with understanding people, may prove to be just what we need in order to connect with our relative again and thereby get out of our conflict. Another example may be one of falling into annoying, recurring conflicts due to unhealthy dietary habits. Here, emotional support during a cut-down as well as help to discern the physical body's actual lack of desire for these substances can help greatly. Fighting or fleeing in various ways will not.

Then we humans also have our "emergency program for the emergency program" so to speak, meant to help us reach resolution if we simply cannot find a way out by other means; grieving. Due to mentioned combination of factors, though, grieving has become something of a lost art in our modern world, and supportive guidance is often needed in order to be able to embrace it.

Having understood this, Hamer and his collegues took this into consideration when they worked out the NM treatment. The NM treatment for the first, conflictual phase (that's right, there's a second, restoring, phase coming up!) consists of things which, first of all, facilitate conflict resolution, but also those which make life easier on the way there, without inhibiting the former. It was found that the best results were reached by fully allowing Nature to take its course, while carefully supporting the individual through the stages. Above all, different practical help measures and individually fitted psychotherapy ranging from conversational counselling to much deeper forms are used. On the more physical plane, a change to biologically correct diet or fasting, i e simply following the body's true CA phase signals and avoiding intake of toxic matter.

Toxins and drugs disturb the soul-body, complicate the canceration/ulceration/hypofunction scheme and hinder conflict solution. One reason for this is that they're interpreted by our body as threats, and if we force it to deal with these threats, that reduces the energy it can put on conflict solving. These substances are of course destructive of cells and tissues as well, and to be avoided for that reason - motivating intake of any such with them being "cancerocidal", is, as, as we've seen, not valid, since the canceration mechanism actually is aiding. Hamer especially warns about chemo- and radiotherapy, well, chemical handlings and irradiation overall, because they irreversibly damage parts of the body and produce new conflicts. If a tumor in the CA phase grows in a way that it obstucts some vital passage, which is rare but happens, then medical intervention is motivated, but is to be restricted to surgery (or possibly radiotherapy, if the site is unreachable by surgery), and only of the obstructing part. But since surgery is traumatizing in itself, NM avoids it to the extent possible. Cutting away every and all cells thought to be cancerous, in order to "prevent spreading", as done today, is both unnecessary and maiming. Either way, the canceration will continue in the area, since the conflict is still unresolved, so it's important to focus entirely on conflict solution afterwards - something conventional medicine omits, and when the canceration continues on the organ, or where the organ was, if they extracted the whole thing , they think they missed a cell or two which then went on spreading. A big misunderstanding. "How can one single cancerous cell play salmon in the circulation (--); escape from the antibody, interferon, macrophage and other killer cell armies (--) to end up imposing its laws within a healthy organ and creating a family? A birth that will, however, only tragically be celebrated five or ten years later. But what is even more magical: how can it change its nature according to the organ it is invading when one knows that each tissue always proceeds to its own metamorphosis? This is where the anatomopathologic criterion is contradicting itself: when one pretends that the cells of a breast adenocarcinoma has spread out in a vertebra, one does not find any adenocarcinoma within the bone, one only finds a destruction (bone lysis). Even so, the round stains on the lungs always have the nature of an adenocarcinoma; how can they be the metastases of a tumour having the nature of an epithelioma?"

Michel Henrard, MD; The Discoveries of Dr R G Hamer: The Biological Laws As for the use of tranquillizers to damp the stress, Hamer says that's very counter-productive also, because Nature hasn't created this stress phase without a purpose; the stress drives the individual in the direction of conflict resolution. If you gave tranquillizers to a hart stressed because he's lost his territory, he'd be unable to fight and get his territory back, instead he'd be paralyzed from fighting off any intruder. With the use of stress-masking preparations, the natural wish to solve the conflict is taken away, while the underlying strain remains and the alteration of the organ continues. What's needed is the provision of a calm and stress-free environment, it acts like a band-aid under which the injured soul can work on its damage undisturbed.

The NM therapy isn't rigid or fixed, it's flexible and carefully custom-made to fit the specific situation the individual for the moment is in. Hamer also emphasizes that the NM practicioner's personality is of utmost importance. He needs to be listening and empathic, good at seeing things from his client's perspective, interested in detective work, well-educated in biology as well as skilled at reading CTs and X-rays. Those are qualities needed in order to determine which specific treatment is best for a specific client during the specific stage he's reached.

The canceration/ulceration/hypofunctioning does stop when the conflict gets solved, however, it's important to understand, especially for those who've "tried everything without result", that this resolution needs to be thorough and proper, no shortcuts will do. All aspects of the conflict, both physical and emotional ones, must be taken into account, and here's where it's easy to fail. The changes needed can be very hard to perform for someone who's grown up in our civilization and has become addicted to its unhealthy customs. On occation, adapting necessary changes may even turn out to be impossible, and in that case, the CA phase can go on for years until the stress and strains of it finally breaks the body down, and the person dies. Note that it's the stressful state, the enervation, the lack of sleep, the reduced digestion, the deficiencies and the intoxications that kill the person - not the canceration/ulceration/hypofunction of the organ, as conventional medicine has it (except in the rare case of obstruction of some vital passage). Lumps and sores are not the issue! Physicians have unfortunately become fixated on lumps and sores, when instead they should concern themselves with the state of the person as a whole. How does she feel, deep inside? What does she put into her body? and What does her life situation look like, present and past? It's the stressful state which is to be eliminated, genuinely eliminated, and replaced with calmness, because it's the stressful state that kills. This is Hamer's central discovery; psyche and soma are, very concretely, one.

Another important thing to keep in mind is that as for around half of all cancers, they aren't supposed to go away at all, because they are, in fact, simply scar tissue. Those are the ones built up on and around finished ulcers. More about that in the part about the restoration phase below.

The CA phase may also come to a state of latency, meaning it's very little active or not active at all, but not really cleared up. This state may remain for decades, and the stress and strain on the body will then lessen, and the tissue modifications slow down, but the conflict is very easily stirred up again if/when the individual encounters a situation resembling the original DHS. Purely physical irritants can stir it up too. This will show up as recurring symptoms. There are also conflicts in balance, re-stimulation of conflicts during PCL, and tendencies for conflicts to relapse ("rails"). As for them, they lead to an oscillation between CA phase and restoration phase, something which will show up as recurring symptoms as well, or alternating symptoms.

Yes, re-stimulations or relapses of conflicts of different kinds is the explanation for recurring problems like panic attacks, phobias, epilepsies, allergies, asthmas, rheumatisms, certain rashes, venereals, paralyses and numerous other emotional and physical conditions, many of which termed "incurable" by conventional medicine, but in fact, they're not. And naturally, we may have several schemes running at the same time, with some still in the CA phase and others under restoration, and this can further complicate the matter.

When our biological conflict finally gets properly resolved - on its own or after much hard work - then we reach the turningpoint; the point Hamer called CL ("Conflicto Lysis"). Here, the CA phase ends and the restoration phase begins. And, as underlined, immediately when the CL is reached, the canceration/ulceration/hypofunction of the organ tissue stops.

This phase, beginning with the CL and ending with complete restoration of the organ tissue, was named PCL phase ("Post Conflico Lytic" phase). With the conflict solved, Nature no longer has any use for the canceration/ulceration/hypofunction of the organism, and so she sets to restore the individual's tissues back to normal. Interestingly, she does this by reversing the scheme of the first phase, so that if the organ cancerated during the CA phase, its cancer is now destroyed, it "ulcerates". Likewise, if the organ ulcerated during the CA phase, its ulcer is now filled, it cancerates. And if the first phase set the organ on hypofunction, it now starts functioning again.

The HH in the brain is the part initiating the recuperation of the organ tissue. When the emotional conflict is resolved, restoration of the HH immediately follows, and that changes its signals down to the organ into restoration mode. With the switch to recuperation, our body falls into a state of relaxation, the "sympathicotonia" turns into "vagotonia" (the vagosympathetic nervous system takes over). Our mind calms down, our face, hands and feet get warmer, we sleep better.

The restoration of the HH itself occurs through an accumulation of connective tissue, so-called glia cells. This may create an increased rigidity of the brain tissue but the person remains free of complications as long as another conflict does not take place in the same location (beware of any potential new stressors!). On the CT image, the characteristic rings are gone, and the HH is expanded, swollen. The HH in its PCL phase form is the one prone to be interpreted as "brain cancer" and operated on, but again, that's acting blindly, as the glia proliferation stops on its own when the restoration is completed. As for the use of chemotherapy in this phase, that's even more senseless - according to Hamer, these substances further diminish the elasticity of nerve cells and synapses of the brain, because they act like cutting razors among the dividing glia, resulting in a bellows-effect in the brain (erroneously interpreted as tumor progress "in spite of" treatment).

Our body now thoroughly eliminates useless tumor cells or necrotic ulcer cells, as well as other wastes it harbors, then it generates new, fresh tissue wherever needed - it rejuvenates. And it does this with good help from its allies the microbes. Yes, that's exactly what Hamer found when studying the PCL phase; the microbes are our friends, which symbiotically help us clean out wastes from within, and not our enemies, attacking us and parasitizing on our tissues, as conventional medicine believes. Sure, here's where all the annoying swelling, itching, pain, fever, fatigue, dizziness, weakness, mucous dripping, nausea and diarrhea start, but it's an unfortunate mistake to think this period is bad and detrimental just because it's uncomfortable! In fact, it's the opposite, it's restoring.

Conventional medicine calls these episodes "infectious diseases" and deems them bad for us - NM calls them ECs ("Epileptic Crises") and sees them as good for us. This because these episodes with their symptoms help us get rid of disturbing body wastes and build up fresh tissues again, leaving us cleansed and restored. Also, the observant reader has understood that the PCL phase destructions and cancers are pre-determined to assume a certain size, namely the approximate size of the finished cancers/ulcers they are restoring. Here's where the CA phase destructions and proliferations differ from those of the PCL phase; the former could, in theory, continue growing indefinitely, should the conflict stay active and unsolved, the latter could not.

Now the different microbes, the fungi, the bacteria and the viruses - some intrinsic, some designed to be added from outside - all have an affinity for the tissues derived from a same ontogenetic/phylogenetic origin. Hence, the most ancient microbes, the fungi and mycobacteria, are related to all organs that developed out of the archaic endoderm and that are controlled by the old brain stem. The less ancient ones, the bacteria, are related to the organs that developed out of the mesoderm and are controlled by the cerebellum and the cerebral medulla. The more recent ones, the viruses, are concerned solely with the organs that developed out of the ectoderm, controlled by the evolutionarily newest brain formation, the cerebral cortex. Hence, the older brain parts steer organs to break down useless tumors and other waste with the help of fungi, mycobacteria and certain bacteria, while the newer brain parts steer organs to fill, often overfill, finished ulcers with help of bacteria and viruses. This is followed by viral erasure of superfluous tumoral tissue, whenever such redundance and appropriate viruses are present. The result is carefully erased cancers and new ones carefully built up. Schematic picture.

The claim by conventional physicians that microbes create a number of cancers and disassemble others is hence fully correct. But little do they know that it is our body which uses them for this carpentry, in order to optimize its health!

To finish our previously mentioned examples, the female whose injured young has been returned to her (and thereby has resolved her conflict) will feed her offspring healing milk from her cancerated breast, and she will develop tuberculosis as mycobacteria eat the breast gland growth and break it up. What then remains is a cavity. The organism which risked drying out due to a "refugee" trauma, but now is safe and sound again (conflict resolved), develops infection/inflammation of his proliferated kidney collecting tubes - microbes eat up the cancer and restore the tubes to normal. And the individual who has managed to win his territory back (or has found a new one), gets his ulcerated coronary vessels re-built with viral help.

It's important to understand here that our body is chief and the microbes its diligent crew. Our body uses the microbes to optimize its restoration, and when it no longer has any use for them, they're fired, thrown out, together with the waste. Various antibodies are used in this reduction process just as such are used in the reduction process ulceration. The "immune deficiency" phenomenon is not, as assumed, inability of the body to defend itself from microbial enemies, it is the body and its microbial crew resurrecting time and again after repeatedly being [medically] interrupted in their work, and the "auto immune" phenomenon is not inability of the body to separate microbial enemies from its own tissues, it is, simply, the body responding in a natural, meaningful way to a shock. Again, microbes and antibodies work for our body, never against it.

What happens if and when the suitable microbes are lacking? This is often the case; the CA phase is ended, our body falls into "vagotonia" and recuperation begins. But the microbes needed for optimal mending of the particular tissue in question are absent, due to intake of alcohol, antibiotics, cytotoxins or other poisons - or even lack of them in our environment - and that means the cleansing and restoration of tissues won't get thoroughly done. From the outside this shows up as reduced or unnoticable symptoms. More or less of the useless tumors, necrotic cells and other wastes stay inside and irritate, accumulate. And after enough buildup of such useless tissues, the microbial cleaning, when finally allowed to unfold, becomes quite a task... So indeed, the presence of correct microbes is crucial for complete recuperation, and they need to be allowed to carry out their work as undisturbed as possible each time, from the start.

Hamer strongly dismisses the notion of a bodily "immune defence", and says that in truth, it's only a "fata morgana", built on hypotheses. It has been thought that microbes caused infections since microbes were found in every infection. But in reality, they're not the cause at all. There's spring cleaning in your house, what lies behind it? The vacuum cleaner, the mop and the duster? You, who is the one using them? No. It's the accumulation of waste and dirt behind your door!

The fact that illnesses always consist of two phases, one conflict active and one post-conflictolytic, has also been overlooked. Only after the conflict is solved do the microbes become active, and it's our body that steers this. An individual, or body part, in the CA phase simply cannot be a vessel for microbial action, because his body, or part, isn't susceptible for this; it's stressed, closed, in wrong phase. It takes a correct phase and a relaxed, allowing environment for microbial work to take place. Thus, we can appear "resistant to infectious diseases" under two circumstances. Firstly, when we are free from all sorts of biological conflicts and physically well-nourished, secondly, when under an active biological conflict. However conventional medicine doesn't know to make any distinction between the two, and considers freedom from "infectious diseases" in general an overall good sign. But it's not. And the infectious states, which we now know are truly good signs, of cleansing and recovery, are considered bad and useless by same establishment, and are therefore faught. As you've already guessed, the administration of various medical treatments and preventive shots, which often are extremely shocking, both physically and emotionally, send us straight to the CA state, and not to increased health! We see that the reigning "health care system" isn't in touch with reality at all, something which is very dangerous, especially since people have no clue about this and faithfully put their lives in its hands.

Immunity of a static kind is also a myth, many people have had the same disease twice (or more). It's just that these separate but identical occurences end up labelled with different diagnoses, because - and here's circular reasoning at its best - we "can't" get the same thing twice.

Now, our body performs all its restorations in a liquid environment - this is well-known, and seems to be what development of life overall craves, remember the first cell in the "prehistoric soup", the fetus in the womb et c - and so an edema will develop both on the organ and the HH in the brain. These edemas are clearly visible on both brain and organ scans, the latter wherever such are possible to carry out. There is thus evidence in the form of photos that building up of fresh, vital tissues is taking place on these sites during this period. However due to the spatial limits imposed on the brain by the skull, the edematous swellings may give rise to compression phenomena, of the HH center and of the nearby nervous tissues, and this generates symptoms like headache, dizziness, fever and disorders of sight and other senses. By the end of the EC, the edemas of brain and body are no longer needed so they are eliminated, which leads to a so-called urinary phase.

Finally, some of the ECs are quite different from those generally termed infectious diseases, for instance we have the inflammatory cancerations of muscles, tendons, bones and marrow (leukemia). We have those of many bodily canals and reproductive tissues. Then there are the heart disturbances which occur during the restoration phase after a solved territory-fight conflict. Also, there are the ECs after hypofunction reliefs, such as the muscle-cramp-spasm following a motoric conflict, which is the only epileptic crisis people in general know of.

We come here to the NM treatment for the PCL phase. REST is of utmost importance here, especially during the EC. Emotional support and careful explanations of the bodily processes during this stage are also important, especially since such make it easier for the individual to endure the discomforts of the EC, and it prevents potential developments of new DHSes due to same pains. And just like for the CA phase, an individually suited, multilateral, biologically correct diet is recommended; it's crucial that the body has access to good building blocks during this stage, in order to be optimally able to restore ulcers and handle cancer/waste elimination quickly and adequately. NM doctors may even administer certain microbes, above all if old, incompletely restored tumors are detected. That's another sign that the conflict is resolved and the PCL phase has begun: the return of appetite. While enduring the EC, during which the initial conflict actually often is re-lived for a moment, there won't be any appetite, naturally, but in the beginning and towards the end of the second phase, there is, and it's of need to carefully listen to it.

Intake of toxins is equally detrimental during this phase, they're only in the way, either they dangerously blow up the "vagotonia", or they distract the body's focus on restoration, sometimes even throw us back into the CA phase. Also, they produce an extra burden of waste within, a burden the fragile PCL individual does not need, he has enough work driving the cancer and ulcer wastes out. The most common and insidious of the toxic buildups is caused by a skewed ROS (reactive oxygen species)-antioxidant ratio, and during the PCL an underlying such is often what drives the person to seek medical care. At the hospital, however, this skewed ROS-antioxidant ratio isn't corrected at all but instead completely neglected (see the articles Reactive Oxygen Species, Nutrition, Hypoxia and Diseases: Problems Solved? and SARS-CoV-2 Infection Pathogenesis is Related to Oxidative Stress as a Response to Aggression).

Last but not least, many toxic substances kill microbes, and that cuts the efficiency of the reparation work right off. As said, useless, inactive tumors may then stay in the body, which had otherwise been fully broken down, and instead they're encapsulated where they are, adding to the waste inside. Perhaps they obstruct where they're situated, impeding optimal organ function, or perhaps they don't, but are later found during routine health checks, entailing unnecessary and debilitating cancer treatments, not to mention stressful cancer diagnoses. Of course the treatment outcomes of such residues, as well as of finished filling cancers, are the ones boosting the faith in conventional methods since these tumors are ended and thus do not return. The ulcers? Well, viruses are luckily not [yet] affected by many toxins, so the re-building of tissues via viral canceration is carried out, though not properly since part of this restoration work is done by bacteria. Toxins are thus to be avoided. Especially drugs, both medical and recreational, are detrimental.

However, at the height of the EC when the relaxation and swelling of the organ and HH is the greatest, there may, in the rare case, occur a congestion of such an extent and on such a site that it constitutes a danger, that is, if the conflict was extremely long, or of a special type. One example is the swollen HH of an individual at the height of his EC after a resolved territory-fight conflict. The edema of this HH may swell so much in the brain that it compresses the area managing the heart rhythm and functioning, and in the severest case, it can provoke a blocking of the heart so that an infarction occurs. Note here, though, that the infarction isn't due to the restoring viral cholesterol cancerations of the previously ulcerated coronary vessels, but to the reparation edema in the brain. There have even been studies performed on animals where several coronary arteries were totally clamped, and still, the heart kept on beating. Around the heart, substitution circulations are quickly provided. The brain edema swelling is tougher. That's right, heart infarction isn't caused by arteriosclerosis, and, for that matter, arteriosclerosis isn't caused by high blood levels of cholesterol either! Too extensive swelling of the organ can be risky as well, such as in extreme cases of whooping cough or tuberculosis, where choking may occur.

Anyway, in order to avoid too extensive swelling in the client at risk for functional loss due to congestion, "sympathicotonic" means are used, like tea, coffee, digitalis, adrenalin or cortison, but the latter ones only in the extraordinarily severe cases. This impairs the recuperation and stresses the body, but naturally, a somewhat outdrawn restoration phase without function loss is preferred to a shorter, but possibly life-threatening one. The momentary re-living of the conflict mentioned above is the "sympathicotonic" Nature herself sets in, in the purpose of reducing threatening congestion, but sometimes that isn't enough. The NM practicioners do try to keep the use of remedies to an absolute minimum, though.

It's a misunderstanding that we would need extra fluid during this phase, we should drink just enough to quench thirst, not more. Forced drinking here, through persuasions, IVs et c, can be very dangerous, because that enlarges the edemas, thereby increasing the risk for functional failure, even death.

Regarding the PCL phase pain - the dangerous morphine or morphine-like drugs are never used, if the pain gets unbearable, emotional support and intellectual understanding of the process is often enough to help the individual endure. Hamer says that one of the most horrific things about present medicine is that most people with cancer, even with mild pain, are treated with morphine in some form. During the critical EC, one morphine injection can already be fatal. It changes the brain, paralyzes the intestines and completely disables the restoration functions, well, disables the whole person. He becomes lethargic and doesn't realize that he's in fact being killed, just when he was in the recuperation phase, on his way to health. The pain of the second stage is actually a very good sign of recovery, but modern medicine doesn't understand this at all, and instead interprets it as the opposite; a sign of impending death. These substances are thus administered in order to "make the end easier", and sure enough, the person soon dies, but it's not of the cancer, it's of the medication...

Lastly, just as can happen in the CA phase, a restoration tumor, though innocent in itself, may occationally grow in a way that it obstucts a vital passage within the body, making a minor operation necessary. See the mentioning of this above.

When our body is completely finished with its cleansing and restoring work of the organ tissue, the PCL phase peters out, and with that, the whole "illness" is over. The body/organ is recuperated, and functions in harmony with normal living again. Unfortunately, though, most modern people in the world today never get to reach that state, because their CA and/or PCL phases are practically always interrupted somehow. Very often the interruptions are of iatrogenic nature, but our unhealthy lifestyle habits are great hindrances too. Drugs, recreational and others, stressing therapies, toxic and deficient diets, behavioral addictions, "black" pedagogies... the obstacles are numerous, but if we know about them, we can avoid them, something we're unable to as long as they aren't drawn into the light and become objectively understood.

In regard to both CA phase and PCL phase, NM only uses invasive treatment when life/limb is at stake, or, naturally, if the client outright craves it because of simply unbearable discomforts. This approach is radically different from the conventional medical one - where invasive treatments are administered practically always - and, not surprisingly, it's very disliked by pharmaceutical producers and distributors. Producers of technological equipments like scanners and surgical facilities ought to have less problems accepting NM though, as Hamer and his collegues clearly have shown how important the use of such equipments can be, and which revolutionary facts about our biology can be discovered with these.

Regarding the medical distinction between "benign" and "malignant" cells, well, according to NM, such a distinction is pointless. The former look more "normal" in the microscope, and their intracellular reproduction system has an activity below a certain limit, while the latter have an activity above this limit, and may seem "deranged" in different ways. One will speak of suspicious or malignant "atypies". But the canceration/ulceration activity may take all degrees, according to the intensity and [mis]handling of the conflict, and cells may end up abnormal for the same reasons, but that's nothing strange, and it doesn't mean the body has somehow "lost control" over these cells, because it hasn't. Tendency to spread is considered to be an additional indicator of malignancy, but, as we now know, metastasis isn't about cells spreading at all, it's a matter of new conflicts, most often caused by the physicians themselves! Therefore, this distinction isn't done by NM practicioners.

Hamer divided his findings into five biological laws. The first one he called The Iron Rule of Cancer and Equivalent Illnesses, and it deals with the origin of the tissue modifications. The second one was called The Law of the Two-Fold Phases of the Illnesses, and deals with the two phases. The third was named The Ontogenetic System of Tumors and Equivalent Illnesses, and takes up the nature of the symptoms in the two phases. The name of the fourth law became The Ontogenetic-Depentent System of the Microbes and takes up the role of our allies the microbes. The last, fifth law, underlines Nature's aim with the canceration/ulceration/hypofunction schemes, and explains why we shouldn't really call these schemes "diseases", with the negative ring to it that word has in our modern ears, because in their essence, they're powerful, helping, biological programs. Suitably, Hamer named this law The Significant Biological Special Programs of Nature.

Dr Hamer's discovery is a series of empirical findings; as of 1997, over 31 000 patients had been examined, and all, without exception (!) showed this same pattern . It's thus not a hypothesis, it's empirical documentation, this is what was objectively found. That's why the word "law" was used; it's a strong word, but the only correct one to use, since it means something firm, established and predictable.

Finally NM also got to be scientifically verified, by several institutions, the latest in row being the 1998 examination at The University of Trnava, Slovakia, where a double study was conducted.

Why NM hasn't been taken up and integrated with conventional medicine, you ask, if indeed scientists and professors from several different countries have found it to be true? Well in my opinion, the answer is as obvious as depressing: it's all about power, prestige and money. It's the same forces of resistance that once banned Galileo Galilei's heliocentric discovery and refused to accept Charles Darwin's evolutionary findings. Back then, it was the church and the society which were terrified and gave the cold shoulder, today it's the medical establishment and the government. But the phenomenon is exactly the same. It's absolutely not strange, why, if things like power, prestige and money are very important to us, of course we'll do everything to fight someone whose presence will prevent us from getting them. And both the medical establishment and the government are filled with people who nurture just those needs, so no wonder they refuse to accept Hamer's New Medicine, a paradigm the uptake of which would reduce these authorities' income of power, prestige and money vastly! Not to mention the guilt loads, perhaps even prosecutions, which would be placed on their shoulders due to decades of medical wrongdoings. And of course, a shamelessly biased media and a global fright of acknowledging strong emotions and the impact these have on us doesn't exactly help either...

Not only does the establishment refuse to integrate Hamer's discoveries, they've also pursued him for years, prosecuted him for breach of duty and taken his medical license away from him. He's even been subjected to several murder attempts! Still, during one of several trials the public prosecutor had to admit the exceptionally high success rate of the NM treatment; after four to five years, 6 000 out of 6 500 patients with mostly advanced cancer were still alive. That is over 92 %, almost a reversal of the results to be expected after conventional treatment of advanced conditions. Because that's how "successful" conventional cancer treatment really is!

Let's not forget what eventually happened with Galilei's and Darwin's findings, though: When the situations finally became precarious, because of the obvious truth to these findings, the authorities gave in, and heliocentricm and evolution became officially condoned. I think, and hope, that NM will soon be officially accepted as well, when the situation becomes precarious, because of the logic, realism and empirism as well as psychological, biological and evolutionary sense to Hamer's New Medicine.

"Generally speaking, it is my rule of thumb that the more vicious and wild the attack, the more certain it is that an important new scientific breakthrough has been made or is in the offing. Nobody fights real progress more insanely or viciously than the orthodox medical profession"

Keith Scott-Mumby, MD, BCh; What Is the "Iron Rule of Cancer"?

Note 1: I've cross-checked Hamer's findings with my own experiences, and yes, it fits like a glove! My experiences with my children are very confirming as well.

Note 2: "If a tumor (--) grows in a way that it obstructs some vital passage, which is rare but happens, then medical intervention is motivated".

Of course this is the case with above all PC, prostate cancer, just the type of cancer my university happens to be studying in order to help find a new, better and less maiming treatment for. Now, those of you who've read my studies on vitamin D and cancer and also have read through my above NM article, realize that I actually do not consider my studies having been performed on prostate cancer cells, but on PCL phase lymph and bone cancer cells, respectively! And this since the LNCaP cell line that I worked with is derived from a "prostate carcinoma lymph node metastasis" and the other one, PC-3, is derived from "prostatic adenocarcinoma metastatic to bone". Naturally I couldn't write this in my papers though, for then they wouldn't have been approved by the university. However, earlier research has in fact established that vitamin D does have antiproliferative effects on genuine PC cells also, something which is supported by numerous epidemiological studies in addition. Furthermore, it seems like both the LNCaP and PC-3 cell lines do have a number of characteristics in common with cells of prostate cancer, so I suppose my research isn't completely off-the-wall :)

Moreover: "Practical help, psychotherapy, biologically correct nutrition and fasting, those became the corner stones of the new treatment." "This mechanism (--) we should, by natural means, help it and support it, so that its course runs smoothly."

This is all terribly interesting, because as mentioned, the new, potential treatment substance my university is focusing on happens to be vitamin D - which, in turn, happens to be a very natural and biologically correct nutrient indeed! So to be meticulous, it would seem that the "antiproliferative" effect we see from vitamin D - on many types of cancers, not only PC - more correctly should be labeled "regulating", as it ought to simply be Nature in action we see (although in a 'spiked' form), using this essential vitamin to make its canceration mechanisms run more smoothly... and ulceration mechanisms, I might add, as in fact vitamin D does the opposite when encountering bone loss: it builds the bone back up :)

Note 3: Also see the eye-opening "must-read" at SidaSanté: AIDS: Another View by dr Michel Henrard.

Note 4: I'm very interested in reading all scientific articles relating to New Medicine (or aspects of it) that I can find, both those which support the concept and those which contradict it. So if you have any such document in your possession, or links to any such, please contact me.


Helmrich, Christian (n d) Cancer, the Riddle That Is No More (translated to English by me, original Swedish title is Cancer, Gåtan Som Inte Längre Finns) Rubens Hälsa

Henrard, M (n d) The Origin and Mechanisms of Cancer and Other Diseases Understand One's Own Disease (today at

Markolin, C (2020) Biological Special Programs - Overview LearningGNM

Hamer, R G (n d) Special Programs in the New Medicine The Pilhar New Medicine Pages (today at

Hamer, R G (n d) Scientific Chart of the New Medicine The Pilhar New Medicine Pages (today at

Scott-Mumby, K (n d) What Is the "Iron Rule of Cancer"? The Alternative Doctor

Brunner, W (n d) The 5 Biological Laws of Nature in dr Hamer's New Medicine Healing Cancer Naturally

Last, W (n d) The New Medicine of Dr Hamer The "Puzzle Box" for Life Science Information

Bom, H (n d) The Mind Body Connection Ozone Detox

Spreen, J (n d) Can Anybody Explain What's Going On, Please?

Morter, T (n d) How We Feel

Pilhar, H (2019) Hamerscher-herd-aktiv Germanische Heilkunde

Pilhar, H (2019) Hirntumor Germanische Heilkunde

Markolin, C (2010) Siemens Document LearningGNM

Markolin, C (2016) The Five Biological Laws of the New Medicine LearningGNM

Laker, I (2001) Diagram 2 The German New Medicine

Cordain, L (n d) Paleodiet & Paleolithic Nutrition BeyondVegetarianism

Janov, A (1991) Neurosis The Liedloff Continuum Network

Janov, A (2008) What is Primal Therapy? The Primal Center

Nicholson, W (1998) Paleolithic Diet vs Vegetarianism: What Was Humanity's Original, Natural Diet? BeyondVegetarianism

Laker, I (2001) Diagram 3 The German New Medicine

Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia (2020) Reactive Oxygen Species

Görlach, A, Dimova, E Y, Petry, A, Martínez-Ruiz, A, Hernansanz-Agustín, P, Rolo, A P, Palmeira, C M & Kietzmann, T (2015) Reactive Oxygen Species, Nutrition, Hypoxia and Diseases: Problems Solved? Redox Biology 6: 372-385

Cecchini, R & Cecchini, A L (2020) SARS-CoV-2 Infection Pathogenesis is Related to Oxidative Stress as a Response to Aggression Med Hypotheses 143: 110102

Markolin, C (2016) Verifications of the Five Biological Laws LearningGNM

Markolin, C (2009) University of Trnava (Slovakia) Official Certification LearningGNM

Henrard, M (1992) AIDS: Another View SidaSanté

This article was written in September 2003 and has since been updated.

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